Enchanted is a Disney movie that came out in 2007. It was very popular at the time. You’ll love this list of the best Enchanted quotes that are funny, cute, and magical.
This movie is fun for adults and for kids to watch. Don’t you just love a movie like that?
Enchanted is such a good fairytale movie that it’s getting a sequel very soon on Disney Plus called Disenchanted. I can’t wait for it!
Enchanted follows the story of Giselle. She falls in love with Prince Edward in Andalasia, but his step mom, Queen Narissa, isn’t having it.
She sends Giselle away to New York City so that Giselle won’t be queen instead of her and so Prince Edward won’t be her Prince Charming. There are some funny Enchanted quotes about NYC later!
Giselle meets Robert Philip in NYC who helps her navigate the city since she is very out of place. She spends her time trying to get back to Prince Edward, her true love.
Giselle is the main character in this movie. Other characters are Prince Edward, Queen Narissa, Robert Philip, Morgan Philip, Nancy Tremaine, and Nathaniel.
There are some big stars in the movie including Amy Adams, Patrick Dempsey, James Marsden, Idina Menzel, and Julie Andrews as the narrator. The sequel has a lot of the same actors and actresses in it, so you know it’ll be good!
These are the best Enchanted movie quotes about love, friendship, and more. They make great Instagram captions too!
The Best Enchanted Quotes
1. Nobody has been very nice to me. – Giselle
Yeah, well, welcome to New York. – Robert
Thank you. – Giselle
2. Now if only I can find a place to rest my head for the night. – Giselle
What kind of place? – Robert
I don’t know. Maybe a nearby meadow or a hollow tree. – Giselle
A hollow tree? – Robert
Or a house full of dwarves. I hear they’re very hospitable. – Giselle
3. Please! If you can just point me towards the castle. I’m supposed to be at the ball to wed my true love! – Giselle
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4. Take these flowers to Nancy, please. – Giselle (talking to two white doves)
What are you, crazy? They’re birds! They don’t know where she lives. – Robert
5. I don’t know. It’s just that… it’s like you escaped from a Hallmark card or something. – Robert
Is that a bad thing? – Giselle
6. How does she know you love her? – Giselle (singing)
Oh no, no, no… – Robert
How does she know… – Giselle (singing)
People look-looking… – Robert
She’s yours? – Giselle (singing)
Don’t sing. It’s OK, you know. Let’s just walk. Can we walk? – Robert
Well, does she? – Giselle
Yeah. – Robert
How does she know that you love her? – Jamaican Man (singing)
Oh! – Giselle
He knows this song, too? – Robert
7. You… are not a very nice old man! – Giselle (said to a man who steals her tiara)
8. Oh, I hope you had nice dreams! – Giselle
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9. You should sing to her and maybe that will reassure her of your feelings. – Giselle
10. This is a very nice place. . .and we’re eating dinner. . .this is a date! – Giselle
11. I wish you every happiness. – Giselle
12. How did you like your hot dog? Well, it’s not really a dog. . .they just call it a dog here. – Giselle
13. Is this a habit of yours? Falling off stuff? – Giselle
Only when you’re there to catch me. – Robert
14. What? So you can have some grown up girl bonding time? – Nancy
15. But I think she might be a real princess! – Morgan
Morgan honey, just because she has on a funny dress doesn’t mean she’s a princess. She’s a seriously confused woman who’s fallen into our laps. – Robert
16. You made a dress out of my curtains! – Robert
17. You know most normal people get to know each other before they get married. – Robert
18. Most marriages are considered a success if they manage not to end period. Forget about happiness. – Robert
19. That’s why I don’t encourage the fairy tales. I don’t want to set her up to believe in this dreams come true nonsense. – Robert
20. Would you like me to call someone for you? – Robert
I don’t think they would hear you from here. – Giselle
21. Magic Mirror, I beg you. Tell me where she is! – Prince Edward (talking to a tv)
Reporting from 116th and Broadway. – Mary Ilene Caselotti
116th and Broadway! (hugs the TV) Thank you, Mirror! (kisses it and leaves) – Prince Edward
22. Any last words before I dispatch you? – Prince Edward
23. It appears this odd little box controls the magic mirror. – Prince Edward
24. Nathaniel likes the way I leap? – Prince Edward
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25. (Edward gets hit by bicyclists) Oh, dear, sire. You’ve fallen on your royal… – Nathaniel
I know, I know. – Prince Edward
26. Silence! You lying, murderous wretch! When we return home, Andalasia shall know of your treachery. – Prince Edward
27. I’m handsome even when I sleep? – Prince Edward
28. My heart longs to be joined in song. – Prince Edward
29. To a place where there are no happily ever afters… – Queen Narissa
30. You have no idea who you’re dealing with. You want a show? I’ll give you a show. Back up and get ready for the main event! – Queen Narissa
31. You want a show, I’ll give you a show! Welcome to the main event! – Queen Narissa
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32. All this talk of true love’s kiss. It really does bring out the worst in me. You know if I’m going to remain queen, I need a story for when I get back home. Hmm, what if a giant beast showed up and killed everyone and poor defenseless Queen Narissa… she just couldn’t save them? (points to Giselle) Let’s begin with the girl who started it all, shall we? – Queen Narissa
33. No. Spiteful, vindictive, very large, but never crazy. – Queen Narissa
34. And they all lived happily ever after. – Narrator
FAQ About Enchanted
The moral of Enchanted is that true love is real, does exist, and can be achieved. You don’t always find it the way you think you will though.
Enchanted is popular because it is really funny. It has the really over the top parts of a fairytale mixed with reality.
Yes, thankfully this movie is on Disney Plus and is included with your subscription.
Yes, Disenchanted is the sequel to the movie Enchanted. Enchanted came out in 2007 and Disenchanted in 2022. You can watch both movies on Disney Plus.
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