Edna Mode is a character from The Incredibles. She is not a main character, but she is super memorable and iconic. These Edna Mode quotes are so fun to read through.
The Incredibles is a Disney Pixar movie franchise about superheroes. It follows the Incredibles, a family of superheroes.
There are two movies. They are The Incredibles (2004) and Incredibles 2 (2018).
Edna “E” Mode is voiced by Brad Bird. He also wrote and directed both movies.
Edna does not hold back and she says what is on her mind. She is unique and a little edgy. That’s why I love Edna Mode sayings so much!
The Edna mode quotes below are witty, snarky, brilliant, funny, and inspirational.
Edna is a fashion designer who makes costumes and suits for superheroes. She is very talented and puts a lot of though into making the best suits for each of her clients.
She doesn’t put capes on her designs and she calls everyone “dahling”. You can’t help but love her!
She’s a small woman and is said to be 4’3″ tall. She’s half German and half Japanese.
She got her name from EMode, which is a program that Pixar was using when making the movie.
These are the best Edna Mode quotes. You’re going to love her even more when you read them and remember all of her funny movie quotes and ideas.
Edna Mode Quotes
Are you ready for these Edna from Incredibles quotes? Let’s get right to it!
1. It can also withstand a temperature of over 1000 degrees. Completely bulletproof… And machine washable, darling. That’s a new feature.
2. Milan, darling. Milan. Supermodels. Heh! Nothing super about them… spoiled, stupid little stick figures with poofy lips who think only about themselves. Feh! I used to design for gods!
3. You come in one hour dahling, I insist, okay? Okay, bye-bye.
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4. Your boy’s suit I designed to withstand enormous friction without heating up or wearing out, a useful feature. Your daughter’s suit was tricky, but I finally created a sturdy material that can disappear completely as she does. Your suit can stretch as far as you can without injuring yourself, and still retain its shape. Virtually indestructible, yet it breathes like Egyptian cotton.
5. Any solution involving cookies will inevitably result in the demon baby.
6. Fine. I will also fix the hobo suit.
7. This is a hobo suit, darling. You can’t be seen in this. I won’t allow it. Fifteen years ago, maybe, but now? Feh!
8. You need a new suit, that much is certain.
9. Pull yourself together! What will you do? Is this a question? You will show him that you remember that he is Mr. Incredible! And you will remind him who you are! Well, you know where he is.
10. Well, I am sure I don’t know, darling. Luck favors the prepared.
11. My god, you’ve gotten fat.
12. You’re just a shit-stain on the panties of life.
13. DARLING! How are you, it’s been such a long time…
14. The human race is responsible for the unemployment? I never would’ve guessed. All this time, I kept thinking it was somebody else.
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15. I cut it a little roomy for the free movement, the fabric is comfortable for sensitive skin…
16. Yes, words are useless! Gobble-gobble-gobble-gobble-gobble! Too much of it, darling, too much! That is why I show you my work! That is why you are here!
17. I didn’t know the baby’s powers, so I covered the basics.
18. Leave him? Here? I am not a baby person, Robert! I am not cut out for baby’s facilities! I am an artist, I don’t have time for any of this!
19. Blended kevlar with carbide for durability under duress and comfort also. Interwoven with these fabrics, are a mesh of tiny sensors that monitor the baby’s physical properties.
20. I often work to music, and I noticed the baby responds to it as well. Specifically Mozart.
21. Of course you can leave the baby overnight. I’m sure filling in for Helen is challenging, and you are very tired, and the other children need you and miss you, and you must go to them. Auntie Edna will take care of everything, so drive safely and goodbye.
22. Oh, pish-posh, dahling. Your bill will be covered by my fee for being Mr. Incredible, Elastigirl, and Frozone’s exclusive designer throughout the known universe and until the end of time. But babysitting this one, I do for free, dahling.
23. I understand your lack of sleep is confusing you, Robert. Babies can be anything, and your child is no exception. Shows unlimited potential, Robert. That’s why I worked in a creative fever. Auntie E has stayed up all night, making sure you look fabulous in your uniform.
24. Men at Robert’s age are often unstable, prone to weakness.
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25. Helen who?
26. No capes!
27. I never look back, darling! It distracts from the now.
28. Go confront the problem. Fight! Win! And call me when you get back, darling. I enjoy our visits.
29. Keep your fingers above the sheets. We only change ’em once a week!
30. Don’t make me beg, darling, I won’t do it, you know!
31. There are no illegitimate children. There are only illegitimate parents!
32. Do I look like a hussy?
33. You know the name of the game, girls… control. COMPLETE… control.
34. You can’t! It’s impossible! I’m far too busy, so ask me now before I can become sane.
35. It will be bold! Dramatic! Heroic!
36. You push too hard, darling! But I accept!
37. He is bright and I am stimulating. We deserve each other.
38. Done properly, parenting is a heroic act… done properly. I am fortunate that it has never afflicted me.
39. My name is Edna but some of the girls call me Eddy after they get to know me better.
40. No? Well, he’ll look fabulous anyway.
41. Yes, yes, marvelous suit, darling, much better than those horrible pajamas he used to wear.
42. Simple, elegant, yet bold. You will die.
43. Yes, I’m sure your gratitude is quite inexpressible. Don’t ask me to do it again, dahling, my rates are far too high.
44. Jack-Jack widened his eyes to make them shaped like mine and grows hair that looks exactly like my hairstyle.
45. All was well, another day saved, when his cape snagged on a missile fin!
46. Go check the electric fence or something!
47. This is designed by Vincento? Explain yourself!
48. Do you remember Thunderhead? Tall, storm powers? Nice man, good with kids. –
49. What are you talking about? You are Elastigirl! My God!
50. I have no strength left. Nothing. I couldn’t even open my pocketbook on the bus today. A little boy hadda help me.
Edna Mode FAQs
Edna mode has multiple catchphrases, but her most iconic is “dahling”, which is the way she says darling.
Edna does not like superheroes to have capes because it can cause deaths. They can be sucked into things or the capes can get in the way.
Edna is half-Japanese and half-German.
She can often be seen carrying a cigarette holder.
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