There are now two Lady And The Tramp movies. They’re both made by Disney and have the cutest dogs in them. If you’re a fan of them, then you’re going to love reading these Lady And The Tramp quotes.
The first movie came out in 1955 and is an animated movie. The second is a live-action version that was released in 2019.
You can find both movies on Disney+. The live action one is a Disney Plus original that was released when the streaming service first came out.
The main characters are two dogs named Lady and Tramp. No surprise there since you know the name of the movie though, right?
Other characters in the movie are Darling, Trusty, Jock, and Jim Dear.
The movie is about Lady whose life changes drastically when her owners have a baby. She feels replaced by them. She meets Tramp, a street dog, and the movie follows their journey together.
These movie quotes are sad, emotional, cute, and funny.
Animated Lady And The Tramp Quotes
1. And by a lucky coincidence, you see before you, modeled by the lovely little lady, the new, improved, patented, handy-dandy, never-failed, little-giant log puller! The Busy Beaver’s Friend! – Tramp
2. Okay, okay, okay! But remember this, Pigeon: A human heart has only so much room for love and affection. When a baby moves in, the dog moves out. – Tramp
3. Jock: Look here, laddie! Who are you to barge in?
Tramp : The voice of experience, buster. Just wait ’til Junior gets here.
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4. Zoo Security Guard: Hey, you!
Professor: Uh, I beg your pardon? Were you addressing me?
Zoo Security Guard: What’s the matter?! [shows the professor the “No Dogs Allowed” sign] Can’t you read?!
Professor: Why, yes. Several languages.
Zoo Security Guard: Oh, a wise guy, eh? All right, now…what’s this creature doing here?
Professor: He’s not my dog. [Tramp jumps into the professor’s arms]
Zoo Security Guard: Oh, he’s not, eh?!
Professor: Let go! Go away! Go on! Why, certainly not, officer.
Zoo Security Guard: Aye, and I suppose you’ll be telling me next that it was the dog that was whistling, eh?!
Professor: I-I-I’m certain I don’t know.
Zoo Security Guard: Oh, so, I’m a liar now, am I?! Well, you listen to me! Resisting an officer of the law! Oh, you’re going to pay! [Tramp bites the zoo security guard’s buttocks] OW!! Pull a knife on me, would you?! Trying to assassinate me, are you?! Carrying a concealed weapon!
Tramp: Come on, Pidge. The place is ours. [he enters the zoo with Lady, as the zoo security guard and the professor continue fighting]
5. And by a lucky coincidence, you see before you, modeled by the lovely little lady, the new, improved, patented, handy-dandy, never-failed, little-giant log puller! The Busy Beaver’s Friend!
6. Lady: What’s a baby?
Jock: Well, they…they resemble humans.
Trusty: But I’d say a mite smaller.
Jock: Aye, and they walk on all fours.
Trusty: And if I remember correctly…they Beller a lot.
Jock: And they’re very expensive. You’ll not be permitted to play with it.
Trusty: But they’re mighty sweet.
Jock: And very very soft.
Tramp: Just a cute little bundle…of trouble!
7. Lady: Haven’t you a family?
Tramp: One for every day of the week. The point is, none of them have me.
Lady: I’m afraid I don’t understand.
Tramp: It’s simple. You see… Hey! Something tells me it’s supper-time. Come on. I’ll show you what I mean. Now take the Schultzes here. Little Fritzie… That’s me, Pidge. Makes this his Monday home.
Lady: Monday home?
Tramp: Ach, ja! Mondays is Mama Schultz cooking der Wiener schnitzel. Delicious! Now, O’Brien’s here is where little Mike…sure and that’s me again, Pidge. Comes of a Tuesday.
Lady: Of a Tuesday?
Tramp: Begorra and that’s when they’re after havin’ that darlin’ corn beef. [switches to normal voice] You see, Pidge when you’re footloose and collar-free… ah, you take nothing but the best.
8. Tony: Hey, Joe! Look! Butch-a, he’s got a new girlfriend.
Joe: Well, a-son of a gun! He’s a got a cockerel Spanish-a girl.
Tony: Hey, she’s pretty sweet kiddo, Butch. You take-a Tony’s advice and settle down with this-a one, eh? Hehehe.
Lady: “This-a one”?
Tramp: This-a one… this-a… Oh! Tony, you know. He’s-a not-a speak-a English-a pretty good.
9. Jim Dear: [giving Darling a hatbox] It’s for you, Darling. Merry Christmas.
Darling: Oh, Jim Dear. It’s the one I was admiring, isn’t it? Trimmed with ribbons?
Jim Dear: Well, it has a ribbon, huh? [The box is opened; inside is a young cocker spaniel]
Darling: Oh, how sweet!
Jim Dear: You like her, darling?
Darling: Oh, I love her. What a perfectly beautiful little lady.
10. The voice of experience, buster. Heh-heh. Boy, just wait ’til Junior gets here. You feel the urge for a nice, comfortable scratch, and…”Put that dog out! He’ll get fleas all over the baby!” You start barking at some strange mutt. “Stop that racket, you’ll wake the baby!” And then, then they hit you in the room and board department. Oh, remember those nice, juicy cuts of beef? Forget ’em. Leftover baby food. And that nice, warm bed by the fire? A leaky dog house. – Tramp
11. Trusty: That’s right, Miss Lady; as my grandpappy, Ol’ Reliable used to say… I don’t recollect that I’ve ever mentioned Ol’ Reliable before?
Jock: Aye, ye have, laddie. Frequently.
12. Jim Dear: Darling, look.
Aunt Sarah: And if you want my advice, you’ll destroy that animal at once.
Dog Catcher: Don’t worry, Ma’am. We’ve been after this one for months. We’ll take care of him.
Darling: Well, what do you suppose…?
Jim Dear: Say, what’s going on here?
Dog Catcher: Just picking up a stray, mister. Come on, get up! Caught him attacking a baby.
Jim Dear: Good heavens!
Darling: My baby!
Jim Dear: Aunt Sarah!
Darling: Aunt Sarah! Aunt Sarah!
Jim Dear: Aunt Sarah!
Darling: Aunt Sarah!
13. Beaver: TIMBER!!!!
Tramp: Hey, Pidge! Look out! Now, what hair-brained idiot would? Hey, look! A beaver! Here’s the answer to our problem!
Beaver: Let me see here… 6 foot 6 and 7/16 inches.
Tramp: Uh… Pardon me, friend! I wonder if you’d do us a little…
Beaver: Busy, sonny! Busy! Can’t stop to gossip now. Gotta slide this sycamore to…the swamp.
Tramp: Yeah, well, this will only take a second of your time.
Beaver: Only a second?! L-Listen! Listen, sonny! Do you realize every second 70 centimeters of water is wasted over that spillway?!
Tramp: Yeah, but…
Beaver: Gotta get this log moving, sonny! Gotta get it moving! T’ain’t the cuttin’ takes some time! It’s the doggone haulin’!
Tramp: The haulin’! Exactly! Now, what you need is…
Beaver: I’d better bisect this section here.
Tramp: What you need is a log puller! I SAID A LOG PULLER!!!
Beaver: I ain’t “deaf”, sonny. There’s no need to… Did you say, “log puller”?!
Tramp: And by a lucky coincidence, you see before you, modeled by the lovely little lady, the new, improved, patented, handy-dandy, never-failed, little-giant log puller! The Busy Beaver’s Friend!
Beaver: You don’t say!
Tramp: Guaranteed not to wear, tear, rip, or ravel! Turn around, sister, and show the customer the merchandise. And it cuts log-hauling time 66%!
Beaver: 66%, eh?! Think of that! Well, how does it work?
Tramp: Why it’s no work at all. You neatly slip this ring into the limb like this…and haul it off!
Beaver: Say, you mind if I slip it on for size?
Tramp: Help yourself, friend! Help yourself!
Beaver: Okay, don’t mind if I do! [pulls on the rope to Lady’s muzzle] How do you get the “consarned” thing off, sonny?
Tramp: Glad you brought that up, friend. Glad you brought that up. To remove it, simply place the strap between your teeth.
Beaver: Like this?
Tramp: Correct, friend! Now bite hard! You see?
Lady: It’s off!
Beaver: Say, that is simple!
Tramp: Well, friend, we’ll be on our way now, so…
Beaver: Uh-uh-uh-uh! Not so fast now, sonny! I’ll have to make certain it’s satisfactory before we settle on a price.
Tramp: Oh, no! It’s all yours, friend! You can keep it!
Beaver: Uh, I can, huh? I can?!
Lady: Uh-huh. It’s a free sample.
Beaver: Well, thanks a lot! Thanks ever so…say! It works swell!
14. You little mutt! I’ll lock you in the pound, I swear it! – Dog Catchers
15. There comes a time in the life of all humans when uh… well as they put it… uh, the birds and the bees? Or well… uh… the stork? You know? Uh, no… – Trusty
16. Tramp: Not to change the subject, but, um… ever chased chickens?
Lady: I should say not!
Tramp: Oh-ho, then you’ve never lived!
Lady: But we shouldn’t.
Tramp: I know. That’s what makes it fun. Aw, come on, kid. Start building some memories.
17. What is a baby? I just can’t understand. It must be something wonderful. It must be something grand. ‘Cause everybody’s smiling, in a kind and wistful way, and they haven’t even noticed that I’m around today. – Lady
Live Action Lady And The Tramp Quotes
1. I had a home and a family. I had it all. They loved me and I loved them. And then, one day, it all changed. I waited in that spot all day and all night. – Tramp
2. There was a lot behind that fence! My life was full of love and meaning. I was apart of something special. We were a family. – Lady
3. She’s the perfect little lady. – Darling
4. I’m not the center of their world anymore but our world is bigger. – Lady
5. People are not loyal and the sooner you start looking out for yourself, and only yourself, the better. – tramp
6. I’d feel bad if I want so hungry. – Tramp
7. You’re about to be replaced. – Tramp (said to Lady after the baby arrives)
8. Bad dog? What did I do wrong? – Lady
9. I’m free to be whoever I want to be! – Tramp
10. Lady: I’ve never howled before.
Tramp: You’ve just gotta reach down deep and find that inner wolf inside you.
11. I’m not so sure I still have a home to get back to – Lady
12. I may be small but I am mighty! – Jock
13. When the baby moves in the dog moves out. – Tramp
14. Being free without you there, that’s just being alone. – Tramp (said to Lady)
15. It kind of feels like home. – Tramp
16. People just don’t do loyalty. Not like us dogs. – Tramp
17. Replaced by a baby? It makes no sense! Can a baby provide him and Darling with a sense of wholeness and a reason to live?
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