Peter Pan is a character and story created by J.M. Barrie. These Peter Pan quotes are from J.M. Barrie’s book, Walt Disney’s 1953 movie Peter Pan, and the 2003 movie Peter Pan.
The story follows Peter Pan, a boy who doesn’t want to grow up. He goes to London where he meets Wendy, John, and Michael, then takes them back to Neverland with them.
The 1953 animated version of Peter Pan is one of the most classic and loved Disney movies ever. It even inspired the ride Peter Pan’s Flight at Disneyland and Magic Kingdom in Walt Disney World. It usually has a long line, but the ride is so cute that it is worth the wait.
Peter Pan is the main character in the book and movies. Other characters are Tinker Bell, Captain Hook, Smee, Wendy Darling, John Darling, Michael Darling, Mr. Darling, Mrs. Darling, and the Lost Boys.
These Peter Pan quotes are magical, sweet, cute, funny, and iconic.

J.M. Barrie Peter Pan Quotes
1. When the first baby laughed for the first time, its laugh broke into a thousand pieces, and they all went skipping about, and that was the beginning of fairies. – Peter Pan
2. Wendy, Wendy, when you are sleeping in your silly bed you might be flying about with me saying funny things to the stars. – Peter Pan
3. If you shut your eyes and are a lucky one, you may see at times a shapeless pool of lovely pale colors suspended in the darkness; then if you squeeze your eyes tighter, the pool begins to take shape, and the colors become so vivid that with another squeeze they must go on fire. – Peter Pan
4. I don’t want to go to school and learn solemn things. – Peter Pan
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5. Wendy, one girl is more use than twenty boys. – Peter Pan
6. All the world is made of faith, and trust, and pixie dust. – Peter Pan
7. When pirates and lost boys meet, they merely bite their thumbs at each other. – Peter Pan
8. Second star to the right and straight on ’til morning. – Peter Pan
9. You need not be sorry for her. She was one of the kind that likes to grow up. In the end she grew up of her own free will a day quicker than the other girls. – Peter Pan
10. Stars are beautiful, but they may not take part in anything, they must just look on forever. – Peter Pan
11. The moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease forever to be able to do it. – Peter Pan
12. I suppose it’s like the ticking crocodile, isn’t it? Time is chasing after all of us. – Peter Pan
13. Dreams do come true, if only we wish hard enough. You can have anything in life if you will sacrifice everything else for it. – Peter Pan
14. If you cannot teach me to fly, teach me to sing. – Peter Pan
15. Would you like an adventure now, or would like to have your tea first? – Peter Pan
16. It is not in doing what you like, but in liking what you do that is the secret of happiness. – Peter Pan
17. Just always be waiting for me. – Peter Pan
18. But Wendy had not been dreaming, as the very next night showed, the night on which the extraordinary adventures of these children may be said to have begun. – Wendy
19. It is so naughty of him not to wipe his feet. – Wendy
20. Oh no, he isn’t grown up, and he is just my size. – Wendy
21. Peter Pan has come and he is to teach us to fly. – Wendy
22. Fairies have to be one thing or the other because being so small they, unfortunately, have room for one feeling only at a time. – J.M. Barrie
23. He had carried Tinker Bell part of the way, and his hand was still messy with the fairy dust. – J.M. Barrie
24. Children know such a lot now, they soon don’t believe in fairies, and every time a child says, ‘I don’t believe in fairies,’ there is a fairy somewhere that falls down dead. – J.M. Barrie
25. On these magic shores children at play are forever beaching their coracles. We too have been there, we can still hear the sound of the surf, though we shall land no more. – J.M. Barrie
26. Nothing, precious, they are the eyes a mother leaves behind her to guard her children. – J.M. Barrie
27. All children, except one, grow up. – J.M. Barrie
28. Children have the strangest adventures without being troubled by them. – J.M. Barrie
29. Of all delectable islands the Neverland is the snuggest and most compact. – J.M. Barrie
30. It is quite impossible to say how time does wear on in the Neverland… – J.M. Barrie
31. They drew near the Neverland; for after many moons they did reach it. – J.M. Barrie
32. The Neverland is always more or less an island, with astonishing splashes of color here and there. – J.M. Barrie
33. If they are not claimed in seven days, they are sent far away to the Neverland to defray expenses. – J.M. Barrie
Peter Pan Movie Quotes (1953)
1. Never say goodbye because goodbye means going away, and away means forgetting. – Peter Pan
2. Never say goodbye because saying goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting. – Peter Pan
3. Don’t you understand, Tink? You mean more to me than anything in this whole world! – Peter Pan
4. Stop playing and help me find my shadow! Shadow…shadow… – Peter Pan
5. For the last time, Mr. Smee, take the princess back to her people. – Peter Pan
6. Well, I’m certainly proud of you, you blockheads. – Peter Pan
7. Why, Peter, a mother’s someone who loves and cares for you and tells you stories. – Wendy
8. Oh, Peter, I knew you’d come back! I saved your shadow for you. Oh, I do hope it isn’t rumpled. You know, you look exactly the way I thought you would. A litter taller perhaps. – Wendy
9. And then…we sailed away on a ship in the sky. – Wendy
10. I’m so happy, I think I’ll give you a kiss. – Wendy
11. The only sound I hear is like a tinkle of bells. – Wendy
12. You can’t stick it on with soap, Peter! It needs sewing. That’s the proper way to do it. – Wendy
13. I’m a codfish. – Captain Hook
14. That cursed Peter Pan, making a fool out of me. – Captain Hook
15. Look alive, you swabs! We’ve got him this time, Mr. Smee. – Captain Hook
16. Yes, yes. A hop, skip, and a jump across Crocodile Creek and then nor’ by nor’east, one, two, three… – Captain Hook
17. Blast that Peter Pan. If I could only find his hideout, I’d trap him in his lair. – Captain Hook
18. Why, you blithering blockhead! – Captain Hook
19. So passeth a worthy opponent. – Captain Hook
20. I’ll show you this ghost has blood in his veins. – Captain Hook
21. I wouldn’t want this to go any further, but the cook told me that the first mate told him that he heard that Pan has banished Tinker Bell. – Smee
22. This ain’t no place for a respectable pirate. – Smee
23. But, Captain, wouldn’t it be more humane-like to slit his throat? – Smee
24. I wouldn’t want this to go any further, but the cook told me that the first mate told him that he heard that Pan has banished Tinker Bell. – Smee
25. Now, now, now, now, Captain, just relax. What you need is a shave. A nice soothing shave. There, now. – Smee
26. The poor captain has a splitting headache. We mustn’t annoy him. – Smee
27. I’m frightfully sorry, old chaps. – John
28. Oh, I should like very much to cross swords with some real buccaneers. – John
29. I think I had a mother once. – Lost Boys
30. Dash it all, Nana, don’t look at me like that. It’s nothing personal, it’s just that…well, you’re not really a nurse at all, you’re…well, a dog. And the children aren’t puppies, they’re people. And sooner or later, Nana, people have to grow up. – Mr. Darling
31. You know, I have the strangest feeling that I’ve seen that ship before, a long time ago, when I was very young. – Mr. Darling
32. I mean it! Young lady, this is your last night in the nursery! – Mr. Darling
33. Oh, Mary. Of all the impossible, childish fiddle-faddle, Peter Pan, indeed. – Mr. Darling
34. Poor Nana. Oh, yes, poor Nana. But poor father? Oh, no. – Mr. Darling
35. George, dear, do hurry! We mustn’t be late for the party, you know. – Mrs. Darling
Peter Pan Quotes (2003)
1. Children who fall out of their prams when the nurse is not looking. If they are not claimed in seven days, they are sent to the Neverland. – Peter Pan
2. I wasn’t crying about mothers. I was crying because I can’t get this shadow to stick. And I wasn’t crying. – Peter Pan
3. I do believe in fairies, I do, I do. – Peter Pan
4. You can’t catch me and make me a man. – Peter Pan
5. She was leaving you, Pan! Your Wendy was leaving you. Why should she stay? What have you to offer? You are incomplete. Let us now take a peep into the future, shall we? – Captain Hook
6. If I were you, I’d give up! – Captain Hook
If you were me, I’d be ugly. – Peter Pan
7. Oh, how sweet! What? Are mermaids not sweet? – Wendy
They’ll sweetly drown you if you get too close. – Peter Pan
8. Peter. You won’t forget me, will you? – Wendy
Me? Forget? Never. – Peter Pan
Will you ever come back? – Wendy
To hear stories… About me. – Peter Pan
9. I want always to be a boy and have fun. – Peter Pan
You say so, but I think it is your biggest pretend. – Wendy
10. Ready to lose the other one? – Peter Pan
Not this time. – Captain Hook
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